Commercial When the world could use a little more fizz @Pepsi 'Fizz to Life' #ForTheLoveOfIt Featuring: @leomessi @paulpogba @svandesanden @sanchooo10 Directed by Raine Allen-Miller @raineallenmiller #CutAtTrim by Matt Newman Matt___newman Assistant Editor: Joseph Henshaw @josephhenshaw Producer: James Waters @_choppywaters_ EP: Scott O'Donnell @scottodonnell99 DOP: Matias Penachino @matiaspenachino Agency: AMVBBDO @amvbbdo Post House: Untold Studios @untold_studios Sound Design: Sam Ashwell @samashwell @750_mph Production Designer: Anna Marie Rhodes @annammmrhodes Stylist: Verity May Lane @veritymaylane Shot in Spain Germany & Manchester with @twentyfourseven_tv @anorak_film @sugarfree_tv