Personal Identity / #1 Animated GIF's

  • Ali Can Elagöz

I started to work on my personal identity. These are the first phase of animated images for the approach section.

Human Sense

Understanding the human behavior, generating all the design systems for their sake. Getting the courage from their emotions, their endless demands. their happiness, failures, obsessions. This is my formula to solve complex design problems.

Being Agile

Problem solving ability is strengthened with experience. After solving many different crises in many different cases, it becomes easier to visualize the big picture in your mind. I think I’ve become agile thanks to my 20+ years in creative agencies and design studios.


Design deals with solving complex problems. The most necessary tool for this is conversation. I prefer to create the right solution by asking the right questions, rather than producing quick and template answers. For this reason, I conduct a Q&A session for each brief.

Social Impact

I love working on issues that concern the environment, society and our future. Creating sustainable social impact is the designer’s responsibility. For this reason, I prefer to work with NGOs free of charge.