Petroleum Engineering Schools That Will Help You Develop Key Skills

  • Imad Adel

Imad Adel on some of the best Petroleum Engineering Schools in the U.S.

The economic recovery, refining, and use of fossil fuels are of significant concern to the institutions that produce petroleum engineers. Because 81% of all energy use in the United States comes from oil, coal, and natural gas — fossil fuels — it is imperative that society produce skilled thinkers, planners, and technicians to address this diminishing resource.

The Importance of Petroleum Engineering Programs
The world needs energy and always will. For now, and probably for many years to come, fossil fuels are the most economical energy source on the planet. Since the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest crude oil producer in 2018, it is not surprising that a petroleum engineering degree has become a valuable commodity in the United States. The production of fossil fuel energy, including its location, requires highly skilled and educated professionals.

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