PlayStation VR - The First Time

  • Daniel Charluck Garrelts

Long form advert, displaying people from the Nordics, trying PlayStation VR for the first time.

PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts
PlayStation VR - The First Time by Daniel Charluck Garrelts

Daniel Charluck Garrelts
Creative and Shooting Director