Present & Correct

  • The Printer's Son

A long-term obsession with stationery led to Present & Correct opening its virtual doors in 2009. A place for their own designs, things they love by other designers and vintage items which they discover from aorund the world. It's a showcase for the things they have enjoyed since school.

Shopify / Wordpress
Co-Designer & Developer
A long-term obsession with stationery led to Present & Correct opening its virtual doors in 2009. A place for their own designs, things they love by other designers and vintage items which they discover from aorund the world. It's a showcase for the things they have enjoyed since school.
Initial designs based around the existing website were created by the team at Present & Correct with design input and development on the Shopify platform by The Printer's Son.
Creative Tools
Sketch | Textastic | Pixelmator