Project ID

  • Philemon Mukarno

Performance Opera, ID In-Between Identities, 17 artist investigate and present a view on "identity in a globalizing society". ABOUT PROJECT ID IN-BETWEEN IDENTITIES By Marilyn Arsem and VestAndPage Group performance July 5th, 8:00 -11:00 pm at Maakhaven, 1e Lulofsdwarsstraat 60, the Hague. With the expression performance opera we don’t intend to define performances,which are mainly choreographedor structured a priori in every part. Our stance is that a performance should always remain open to the unpredictability of process, even though methodologically well-reflectedand organised. As it was for the alchemists engaging in their philosophical quest, a performance opera is a vision and the result of a creative process, there in the space where it takes place, the laboratory to play out new challenges. (VestAndPage) Stuart Hall outlines in the essay “Cultural Identity and Diaspora” (1990) that modern identities are no longer fixed but emerge as “unstable points of identification or suture, which are made within the discourses of history and culture.” In his words, life stories are not determined exclusively by class, race, gender, and religion, but instead there is a mixed ancestry; an identification with diversity in countries, traditions, values and beliefs. While the raised global interactions are causing a re-evaluation of traditions and lifestyles, an awareness of individual and collective change springs from the urgency to find new modes of shaping our identities and life stories. Performativity as a language calls for continuous transformation and functions as a form of social action, while contemporary performance art as a logical art form shapes, communicates, confirms and honours the value of differing life stories in multiple contexts. Artists: Danielle Brans (NL), Carmen Lafran (DE/IT), Andrea van Gelder (NL), Albert Smith (South Africa), Hsiang-Yun Huang (Taiwan), Gamze Ozturk (Turkey), Ingrid Adriaans (NL), Lise BOUCON (FR/UK), Fay Burnett (UK), Tess Martens (Canada), Philemon Mukarno (Indonesia/NL), Larysa Bauge (BY/NL), Yvette Teeuwen (NL), Carol Montealegre (Bogotá/ Colombia), Yuki Kobayashi / 小林勇輝n (Japan), Diogo Angeli (Brazil), Carole Novak (FR), Emilio Rojas (US), Oozing Gloop (UK). Directed by VestAndPage & Marilyn Arsem Project ID In-Between Identities is a temporary creative community project aiming to face artistically the issue of the crisis of identity, working in performance art through personal and the societal conceptions of individuality. In a 10-days intensive Residential place at P.s. Den Haag provides for a space to develop solo and collective performances under direction of artist duo VestAndPage together with Marilyn Arsem, to be presented during the weekend July 5 – 7, 2019 in a public event. A collective performance opera, solo and collaborative performances by the artists and additional invited international artists, as well as lectures and an Study Movie Room, happen in the centre of The Hague at the former school building De Helena, Stichting Ruimtevaart, Maakhaven and De Barthkapel, a suggestive old convent chapel.