Put a Sock on It & OHH Dear sock design competition

  • Peggy Mitchell

Independent business 'Put a Sock on It' and stationary and gift site 'OHH Dear' teamed up to give artists the opportunity to have their work on socks which would be sold as park of a monthly sock subscription. I have always been a fan of really 'in your face' socks, I believe that the more weird and bolder the sock the better! A sock can really make an outfit. Being a regular customer of OHH Dear I really wanted to give this competition my best shot with my favourite designs that I had made at the time. I used other competition as inspiration for my designs and to try and make something that I believed had never been seen on a sock before! I had a lot of fun during this project and it really boosted my confidence with Photoshop. See featured my 5 designs that I entered for the competition. January 2021.