Ref.U.Gee Campaign - University Project

  • Rhys Maher
As I’m sure many other people are, I myself was completely ignorant and oblivious to what was happening in Syria, and the overall refugee Crsis. Only after conducting my own research into the subject did I finally become aware of the gravity of the situation, and how out of control Syria had become. So it got me thinking, if I was this uninformed about the whole sitaution then it’s guranteed a huge number of other people were in the same boat. But unlike me I’m sure the majority of these people wouldn’t dig deeper to become aware unless it was shown to them.

So thats what this campaign does, using the same idea as a dictionary, I’m showing people the ‘true’ definitions of this subject matter and presenting them the facts on a plate. The overall design of the campaign is simplistic because it’s getting across the urgent message that matters, not making something aesthetically pleasing.
I took the main logo and altered it to create a sticker. A small amount were created and left around Canterbury to see if people would place their own 'definitions' on them. The idea behind it was to reveal peoples true opinions on the subject because they would be anonymous, meaning they would be more inclined to put what they believe due to no consequences.