Roots of Belonging

  • Kim Farrall

Roots of Belonging creates and runs workshops for marginalised people on home, belonging and the more than human world. Exploring identity and self, on how connection (or disconnection) with nature can be in concert or conflict with it. Originally creating the brand for the podcast, Xeno, the founder, Isabella approached Off Grid once more to create the brand for the new venture. Born from a similar place to Xeno - exploring home, identity, and belonging - Roots of Belonging needed to feel connected whilst also standing on its own two feet. The creative concept of ‘Storyteller’ soon emerged, allowing us to explore the idea that with deep understanding, our narratives can change around our sense of belonging and connection to the more-than-human world. It’s a process of collective sense-making and unravelling our story. The logo that presented itself from this was a hand-drawn figure, sat, rooted on the ground. The figure feels reflective, thoughtful, and almost like they’re listening. The figure sat down also feels more inclusive and accessible. The surrounding brand has the feeling of a note or sketchbook, with handwriting, layering of images, and fluid layouts, and the palette is inspired by nature without feeling obvious. Roots of Belonging feels like a unique, honest, and thoughtful brand that invites you into its world. The website not only needed to clearly communicate the Roots of Belonging offering, but speak of the aspirations and intentions of the brand in a way that felt free yet considered.