Savvy Employee

  • Oliver Hardisty


Savvy is a platform being created to help commercial landlords adapt and improve the workplaces they provide, through the engagement of their tenants. It aims to achieve this by connecting employees, employers, their landlords and merchants. Therefore, there are 4 different Savvy apps currently beeing developed; Savvy Employee, Savvy Employer, Savvy Merchant and Savvy Landlord.

Savvy Employee

Savvy Employee gives office employees access to their buildings, their work community, offers and discounts, internal systems and more! The key features allow employees to;
  • Get updated on all Savvy related activity in their office, communicate easily and informally and setup work and social events.
  • Create surveys and polls so everyone can have their say on any aspect of their working environment
  • View available offers from merchants they like, locally or serving their office location
  • Ensure their workplace provides the facilities and services to meet their office needs