Shapeshifter Yoga by Kris Fondran PDF EBook Program

Shapeshifter Yoga is a yoga program created to help your body achieve a lean and toned figure while improving your posture and flexibility.

Shapeshifter Yoga by Kristin Fondran

It’s time to roll out your yoga mat and discover the combination of physical and mental exercises that for thousands of years have hooked yoga practitioners around the globe. If you’re a dedicated cardio junkie, adding yoga to your routine will help build muscles and decrease the stress on your joints. The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be a yogi or yogini to reap the benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Marie thinks that Yoga is more about movement than meditation, and she prefer doing the poses rather than just sit down, stay calm, and practice breathing. It elevates the mood and makes you feel much lighter. You will feel and look extremely more confident and more competent.

People are constantly searching for the best ways to build muscle, lose weight, or get in shape. The most common answer is, of course to go “work out”. Go lift weights, go drink protein shakes, and never skip leg day. All of these things are designed to help people lose fat on their body, thighs, or belly. But they all overlook one thing.Yoga. In this program, beginners to advanced techniques help you reduce your tension, stress, depression, anxiety. This unique program relies on yoga alone to accomplish the same kind of body transformation that is usually achieved by high impact exercises, cardio workouts and weight training. Yoga also transformed my body. It’s like the ultimate anti-aging medicine! I’ve had three kids and am hitting my late forties. Yet I can still put on a bikini and feel great about how I look. Come along with Kris on her journey — it’s going to be an amazing ride!

Click here To Download ShapeShifter Yoga Program from Official Website

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