
  • Richard Park
The purpose of this campaign was to showcase the depth of Norway as a travel destination: the lifestyle, the food, and, of course, the landscape. "Every year 2 million sheep are released into the forests and mountains without supervision. They are free to roam anywhere including into the cities, towns and villages. Who better to introduce us to Norway than these woolly explorers?" Central to this is the notion that Norwegian sheep are as opinionated as Norwegian’s themselves, and as different too, with distinct regional characteristics. Each sheep has an individual personality with a unique outlook on life.
The content consisted of a series of short videos shot on location in Norway supported by stills photography that sustained a slightly crazy summer-time adventure that mixed beautiful views with sassy, funny or witty insights about Norwegian culture. To help launch the campaign we invited a number of high-level influencers to Norway to join the sheep on their adventures. These influencers came from as far away as the west coast USA to participate in the shoot, capture their own material and arrange takeovers of the global and local SheepWithAview pages. mr.h’s involvement extended from providing the idea, to generating all content, managing influencers, seeding to press and other social outlets, devising the paid media strategy and being responsible for monitoring the global reach.
In three months our sheep reached a social audience of almost 8 million and netted over 14,300 new instagram followers.