Swan Spotting

  • Jess Barry

Hello everyone! I have nearly finished reading a really insightful book and I wanted to share a thought on it. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable has been sitting on my bookshelf for sometime and it resurfaced in my life on an App that I recently downloaded as to counter my chronic social media addiction! Imprint is an app aimed to tackle doom scrolling and change habits based on how we use our phones. They have short courses on different schools of thought designed to provoke curiosity and increase attention - something instagram has been sucked the life out of recentky. This post is about Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s exploration of how humans deal with unexpected events and the pragmatism behind embracing the unknown - as you can imagine as a graduate with a philosophy degree, the fear of the unknown is nothing I’m short of, so this read was particularly meaningful for for me. If you are interested in cognitive behavioural psychology, paired with insight of how these patterns persuade our economic structures and indeed our social ones, then this book is a great read and equally Imprint is a fab download for you! Enjoy ��� ImprobableThe Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - Nassim Nicholas Taleb https://imprintapp.com/