The Challenge
• To raise brand awareness of the BBJ aircraft and their capabilities over competitor
• To reinforce the brand’s powerful position within the aviation and aerospace industry
• To produce a fun, interactive campaign for tablet devices to engage potential customers
The Creative
The centrepiece of the experience is a virtual showroom for the BBJ aircraft range. One of the main focuses for Boeing was to promote the different capabilities that each of the aircraft has, so the first thing the reader sees is a selector for 5 different aircraft – the BBJ Family, BBJ Max 8&9, BBJ 787 8&9, BBJ 777 200ER & 300LR, BBJ 747-8. Allowing them to ‘tap’ the aircraft of their choice, which leads to a dedicated page for that model.
Utilising the landscape and portrait capabilities of the tablet platform, P1 have given the reader multiple engagement points such as interior, design, range, specs and technology. We then bring each area to life, for example – the Range Map allows the reader to ‘tap’ from the location of their choice to visualize how far they can fly in that aircraft.
When you rotate the iPad to landscape viewing it showcases the interior options of the aircraft via multiple Floor Plan diagrams. On these floor plans we have included ‘pulsating hotspots’, which the reader can ‘tap’, this then brings up a high resolution image of that particular area/room of the aircraft. The virtual showroom is now in full effect. On the same page the reader also has the capability to select through the bespoke seating arrangement options that they may prefer.
Boeing generated not only worldwide and positive brand association, but also produced a highly engaging experience for users with a touch screen technology.