Target | Black Beyond Measure

  • Mofilm

Target partnered with Mofilm on another aspect of their Black Beyond Measure campaign, this time on a photoshoot that captured the essence of Black fashion while highlighting the 2021 Black History Month line. Mofilm worked with 3 Black photographers in 3 markets to continue the visual story started with our BBM manifesto while expanding the story on what being Black in America truly looks like. The photographs were meant to be docu-style with a fashion/editorial edge. The photographers cast real people within their network who fit the 6 casting groups Target was seeking for this campaign. The photoshoot was done remotely, with a wardrobe stylist and hair consultant working with all 3 production teams virtually to maintain editorial consistency. Diverse: We commissioned 18 Black filmmakers / photographers to shoot 34 video portraits that would showcase diversity within Black communities across the US Purpose-driven: Supporting Target’s wider commitment to celebrating and investing in Black talent Fast and safe: From brief to live on TV in 20 days, with filmmakers shoot with people they live with to ensure Covid safety