The launching of BIPC Lewisham September 2022!

  • Esther Solomon-Turay

Having joined the SILL community group initially in 2019, I was humbled to learn about the journey of running a business which has been full of inspiration, consistent growth, building genuine relationships, networking and meeting other like-minded people who are intentional about serving the community in using their gifts, skills and talents to make a difference. ✨ I am happy to announce that I am one of Lewisham’s Business Ambassadors and will be presenting about the journey of Authentic Worth on Tuesday 27th September at the grand opening of BIPC Lewisham in Catford Library. ✨ The event will be offering an extensive range of Business and IP Centre services locally to Lewisham Libraries card holders brought to you by Lewisham Library and Information Service in partnership with the Economy, Jobs and Partnerships team and The British Library ✨ Register on EventBrite -

The launching of BIPC Lewisham September 2022! by Esther Solomon-Turay

Esther Solomon-Turay
Founder and Book Publisher of Authentic Worth, Multi-Published Author, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and BIPC Business Ambassador