The Phantom Media

  • Kayleigh Ayriss

Produced three articles for the University of Derby's student magazine during my final year of my undergraduate.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle
We have seen a dramatic change in society and the level of efforts from family to strangers over the internet, comforting us with the global pandemic.
February 2021 is a month that should be honoured as a ‘recoup and rebuild’ time.
Recoup means to regain what was once owned, re-establishing from a loss of something. Rebuild derives from restoration, the actionable provision of recovering from such losses.
University as a sole institution is tough as it is, let alone larger forces impacting our work and the levels of motivation, which is often faced with hardships. Exams and assignments are looming around these quarters and it is, to be frank, a worrying time during the academic year.
�During education, I have learned, and continue to work on the idea of persistence.To be determined in all work carried out, whatever form it takes. Accepting the moment we are in and learning that nothing is permanent can be greatly liberating. The freedom to change ideas, from our dissertation topics to a whole career trajectory. There are no boundaries on what we decide to pursue, as long as it is integral and gives peace of mind. For others, but namely ourselves.
Humans by default use imagination to gain scope of what that new job would manifest, the chatter among us or the future of the industry’s market. Gaining clarity of our presumptions by taking the passenger seat and re-evaluating our hidden prejudices, we can start elevating our potential in simply following what we desire to experience.
Determining what motivates us can be the first step into manifesting this affiliation with persistence.
This entails:
· Negative self-talk to positive pep-talk: Challenges ourselves such as ‘being an amateur reader in sci-fi, I could never imagine writing one!’, to ‘one day I aim to write a sci-fi novel. I may not be there yet, but I am adaptable and open-minded’. We may build interests we’d never thought possible if we give ourselves time and acceptance of being in a rut or a novice before discovering hidden abilities.
· Energy: Understanding who and what inspires our creativity, excitement and satisfaction is what our focus should revolve around.
· Discipline and consistency: What we choose to let in our minds and work or personal space, is what we are sending out consequentially. If something sparks intrigue, developing further interest may be the start of something impactful.
For entertainment purposes, taking online quizzes may be enjoyable, perhaps noticing any trends in answers.
Examples: _57.htm
If signed up to LinkedIn, the platform has numerous webinars regarding motivation on the work tab on the top right-hand side, insightsand then under resources. Be mindful some do charge.
Just having a peruse around the internet and maybe checking out employee motivation websites, jotting down some questions can be useful for career development.
This can be written within a journal or on a word document and printing it out. Post it notes can be used alternatively adding some colour, with less chance of it getting lost amongst piles of research articles and other bits of paper lying around. Definitely relatable!
Following on, the hardest part is materialising our motivators and learning about ourselves introspectively.
For many of us this comes naturally. For others, it feels a drag and unworthy of attention. Maybe changing this idea from a negative ‘this feels a waste of valuable time’, to a positive ‘If giving the time to present myself the emotions and innate desires I hold, I can surely use these for the wider good’.
From the practical steps in writing or typing our ideas, we can start to embrace our strengths and areas to pay some attention on. Remembering the achievements previously attained and what could flourish, we can proudly say we are on route to persistence.
Written By Kayleigh Ayriss
How effective are New Year’s resolutions anyway?
‘A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step’ - Lao-Tsu How many of you have promised yourself to stick to your New Year’s resolutions? And how did it pan out? The likelihood is pretty slim – although congratulations on those of you that have managed this challenging goal! From couch-potato to 5km runs every Sunday morning in a matter of two weeks. To complimenting a stranger during every supermarket trip, or striking conversation with a new acquaintance. Or how about promising yourself to write a novel in a month? Maybe even promising to not swear anymore, cold turkey. One way or another, we are gullible to this everlasting tradition. It is parallel with time and urgency. Feeling as though you are not an active member in society without being accountable for something. Our lives are all in some way filled with demand, whether from peers, family, lecturers, even ourselves. But, what if our resolution was to be calm? We are infallible by nature. Humans realistically cannot work at full potential without a break. Whether mythical or past Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tsu, has had some revolutionary impact on spirituality and Taoism. You do not need to follow such path to learn about, and perhaps contemplate some writings and simple life advice. On being calm: • Being satisfied for the victories we accomplish. Even the small things like waking up and taking a stroll around campus, or creating your own recipe from scratch can raise morale. • Calm does not always need to be synonymous with meditation, yoga, and no technology. If watching your favourite television programme for a day is relaxing to you, why not indulge once in a while? • Calmness and tranquillity can be refreshing – can often spark creative and innovative ideas or solutions to projects you may be working tirelessly on. • With comfort in taking a day out comes acceptance of patience and time. You will begin to notice all that stood, stands, and will be built in years to come. From the trees to the home you reside in. Taking the conscious effort in being still and appreciating the moments you experience. On embracing our experiences: New beginnings are about embracing the past, whether you felt content or otherwise. Rather than dwelling on circumstances, perhaps we need to remind ourselves we have survived – and are stronger because of it! Humans are naturally self-critical, but by implementing some of these ideas you can come closer to calmness. 1. Writing kind messages and phrases about yourself (attributes are favourable) on post it notes and pinning these around the house – work desk, bedside table, bathroom mirror etc. 2. Do not underestimate the power of senses! Having a bath with a wintery scented candle will calm you in an instant. (I apologise for those of you in halls that are not able to have candles. Alternatively, spritz some lavender spray or use roll on essential oils). Get involved in hobbies, whether picking up a past instrument, painting or learning how to do embroidery. 3. Learn to breathe and love the path you are on. Know you can change direction at any point in your life. You are not failing if the career you thought at a young age was your destiny. 4. Finally, embrace the past, present and future. Remember everyone breaks New Years resolutions are some point – otherwise we would not need resolutions! Written by Kayleigh Ayriss