The Waxed Apiarist SS23 [WIP]

  • Josh Dryden
  • Josh Dryden

“The bee’s life is like a magic well: the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water” - Karl Von Frisch. I like this quote for it somewhat encompasses the ethos and concept behind the ‘The Waxed Apiarist’ collection. I have a keen interest in bees, the keeping of bees and the conservation of bees habitats. In this collection I wanted to create clothing that is both practical and fashionable, to bring apiarist style into the fashion spotlight. By incorporating wax into the fabric it both makes use of excess wax created by bees in kept hives but also showcases the many benefits bees offer us. I’ve gone with a black and white monotone colour pallet with odd dots of yellow, this is so bees aren’t offended or disturbed by loud colours in the event the clothes are used for beekeeping, which I hope they can be. The wax also offers protection and longevity making it a sustainable way of making clothes last and reduce waste.