Touch Grass

  • Kim Farrall

Touch Grass is an outdoor community for queer women and non-binary people of colour. More than just retreats, Touch Grass is building a space of sanctuary, empowerment and connection. It is creating safe and affirming spaces to be your authentic self and providing curated wellness activities that celebrate people's identities. Founder and facilitator Toni approached us with a clear vision for the brand she wanted to create. It needed to feel like a welcoming, inspiring, and passionate community that was a celebration of opportunity. The brand needed to showcase a powerful yet playful vision. A safe space and sanctuary for people to be their authentic selves. We explored a brand concept that centered around 'gathering at the fireside'. This had a connection to our history of storytelling, bringing people together, warmth, celebration, and, life. Our palette and surrounding branding played on this idea, hand drawing flame-like shapes, with mark-making taken from a mixture of cultures and references. The palette was of earth and fire, and the Touch Grass brand was born from its flames.