• Nashí
  • Nashí

(OPEN TO MORE MODELS WHO ARE INTERESTED) I decided to name this body of work in progress "Unapologetically BLK- redefining black essence". With the main message being "Redefining our culture as opposed to being defined by society. Where I will be photographing captivating portraits of black individuals and highlighting the innocence that is often ignored. Through the use of the black and white I aim to add more emotion into the photos. As Ted Grant said, "When you photograph people in colour, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!" The black and white shades in photography are evident examples of juxtaposition. You may be wondering "But what does that mean for my work?" Well the broad definition of the noun juxtaposition is: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. I have a great passion for looking into black lives and how we have been placed positioned in society. How we went from being completely marginalised to then being integrated "by law" but still not completely accepted. How the position we hold in society is highly influential on many aspects of day to day but how we are still looked down on despite our things being copied and re-enacted. In some ways you could say we are living in a disproportionately juxtaposed society. By this I mean although we are all placed together as one, we all have our differences and similarities but it's not alwavs accepted for certain social divisions. Whether that be • ethnicity • race • gender • sexuality • disability etc