Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase

  • Tania Croda
  • Sonya Barlow
  • amber wright
  • Chelsea Palao

Did you know that? • 44% of #millennials are interested in VR though only 13% of #females • #Diverse teams and cohorts increase profits by 17% and productivity by 23% And... • The #VR market will grow annually by 34% over the next 4 years So what? Thank you to everyone who attended the #virtuallyvivid showcase organised by Like Minded Females in partnership with Osaka Labs Alpaca Communications Despite the rain and flooding in London, we had a full house and raving reviews of our experience showcase which included 5 female led exhibitions, 3 speakers and 80+ awesome community members. We wanted to create an immersive, insightful and interactive experience for all - And challenge the status quo by leading initiatives to change the #culture in #technology What next? #immersive tech is the next-most powerful experience. We encourage you to stay curious, champion #culturalchange and make your future choices #inclusive.

Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork
Virtually Vivid - Diversity in VR showcase by Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork

Like minded females (LMF Network CIC) @LMFnetwork logo
Changing the narrative of inclusion & bridge the skills gap
Tania Croda
Digital Content Manager
Sonya Barlow
Award Winning Entrepreneur @LMFnetwork, Diversity Coach & Author - @Sonyabarlowuk