Visual Music - the thoughts of one, feelings of many

  • Robert Custons
Visual Music is a combination of written song lyrics over photography and art. The book "Visual Music - the thoughts of one, feelins of many", was created over 5 years and includes 13 different pieces. These range from covering emotions, like the first time you meet someone you like or heartbreak, to my fight to get the book published and the struggles I've experienced.
The book is sold in a CD case to fit this mix of music meets book. It also works well as a protector for the book, stopping it from having worn edges.
While creating the book I travelled to many countries including Bolivia, where I took the picture for the front cover. I also worked with Fah Chak (Maison Margiela men's designer) to include her award winning clothes in one of the pieces, and I worked with famous MMA fighter Cliff meeks for another piece.
More information about the book can be found here -