• Matilda Herd

Georgia O’ Keefe once said that people have spent their whole lives learning to paint landscapes. And people would tell me how to paint landscapes, but they couldn’t tell me how to paint mine. This quote from Georgia O’ Keefe is an inspiration for this project, I am exploring how one can create their own reality through the use of social media, through the use of Instagram filters people can create a false sense of reality living in a dream world My project Is inspired by Petra Collins and Cindy Sherman’s photography creating dream-like images that inspire a sense of surreal reality. I plan to create an immersive experience through my work as If it were a keyhole into another world. I plan to focus on the female gaze and romantic cinema of cult classics creating an air of fantasy and mysticism. For this project, I was able to further my unique artist style, and further my textile techniques as well as using materials that I would not usually use. Experiment and develop my concept as well as being able to produce work that is of a high standard and can be showcased clearly and concisely. This was my final major project at the Manchester School of Art were i studied Textiles in Pactice.