Friday chat - do you have a favourite design/creative agency who you keep your eye on more than others?

Personally, I've always been enamoured by Dixon Baxi (Simon Dixon is a lovely man and always very responsive on LinkedIn), Johnson Banks and Wolff Olins.

But now, Ragged Edge are really catching my attention - their First Choice rebrand just the latest in a line of great projects, like Marshmallow insurance and Wise (formerly TransferWise).

Who's your favourites?


  • @Geoffrey Bunting always nice to have both sides of opinions - any particular reason you don't like Wolff Olins?
  • @Vikki Ross admittedly I only came across Nomad when the new Premier League branding was released! And their stuff is great!
  • Yep, Ragged Edge get branding through and through.

    See also: Nomad Studio.
  • @Anna Negrini Oh wow, Design Bridge was Superunion?! When did this rebrand happen? Must have been recent, otherwise I'm not sure how I missed this?!
  • Tend edge towards to low end design practises who have worked at the likes “Wolff Olins” then to establish their own practise from the ground up pathing a foundation based on their ethics, to test their direction of a true cutting edge design. Like Roanne Adams (Ro&Co).

    Here is a podcast(s):
  • Hi Gary check out the book Studio Culture Now published by Unit Editions. It gathers a lot of great studios and lots of tips from these studios on how they run their practice etc. Mine happens to be in it but regardless of that it's a great way to discover a fantastic roster

    Hope you enjoy browsing the book
  • I am biased becuase I run the company but... F That!

    Check out our work here:
  • I love Ragged Edge and Dixon Baxi too!. Then in random order: Studio Dumbar (I watched a couple of talks and really like their attitude towards experimenting just for the sake of it), Pentagram is always good, Design Bridge (former Superunion), Collins (, Templo (
  • @Gary Wai-man Kwok Right!! studio nari branding and type work is so cool and always interesting. I always come across Wolff Olins work. I will have to look into more projects they have done ! I like the LG 3D campaign on instagram :)
  • @Lamise E Oohhh I just checked out Studio Nari and the type work is fantastic! Especially taken with the identity for Bunch – kind of stuff I would love to work on!

    A very weird (and I'm sure, unintentional) coincidence with an image from the Bunch case study (from 2022) - the squiggly 'W' in the word 'welcome', looks A LOT like the squiggly 'W' of the Wolff Olins rebrand released this week (2023). As I said, surely a coincidence because I love the WO rebrand....
  • Hi Gary ! Love this question At the moment I have been loving Studio Nari and the experimental typography and cool branding. They are brand I would love to work with !

    Another has to be works studio based in NYC, the work they produce everytime is so clean. I love streetwear and they create a lot of typography and work for fashion brands. :)

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