Has anyone ever been ghosted by a company after the first or second stage of interviews?

I'd like to hear about whether candidates have any horror stories about being ghosted by companies? What companies should be doing more for the ease of mind for candidates during the hiring process etc.

Opening up a discussion below ⬇️


  • @Dele Nuga @Dee Jobanputra Hey Dee and Dele, here is the link finally
    Ghosting https://open.spotify.com/episode/4WUHMxSdqA5lwWT0n0ujxO



    All a work in progress but hopefully some of it will resonate and resources may be useful.

    Have a brill weekend and please send any feedback :)
  • @Dee Jobanputra Hey Dee, here is the link finally
    Ghosting https://open.spotify.com/episode/4WUHMxSdqA5lwWT0n0ujxO



    All a work in progress but hopefully some of it will resonate and resources may be useful.

    Have a brill weekend and please send any feedback :)

  • @Dee Jobanputra Ah thanks, I'll link it tomorrow, it was through Anchor but had to move it. I'll link the instagram too and hopefully it might be of interest.

    Yeah, Linkedin is such a bizarre place, I do see some honest posts regarding the job searching process but also some very braggy content too, which doesn't help when many are struggling with the recruitment process/job search. It feels like everyone is leading some mega amazing life and is full of comparison/who is doing better etc....

    The posts I find funny are the ones where people write such a lot about a topic and then people respond with one word answers underneath (amazing, totally agree, so good) and if you actually engage and make interesting comments about the topic, they do not engage or write back. WHAT?! ha ha

    There is room for everybody but it does seem like a lot of the content put on there is for effect, follows, click bait and not neccessarily that real!

    Such a shame when things feel inauthentic and just for follows/likes rather than impact.

    To less ghosting, more engagement, communication and connection :)

  • @Dee Jobanputra I hope you don't think that it's about you or the task you did. I believe you did well!

    It's most probably about them, either the task they created wasn't really made in a way that could show the skills needed for the role, or they just have some agenda (internal candidates/role revoked/too many candidates/and etc).
  • @Linsey M This sounds amazing Linsey, I'd be interested to hear the podcast if you have a link? You're right, nowadays Linkedin is really an awful place to be, I miss when people posted real and genuine feelings about the job-searching process and it wasn't a poaching ground for recruiters to fill candidates with hope and promise to then ghost them!
  • @Anna Negrini 100% I think companies need to be open and honest during the hiring process, of course at the CV stage, a simple generic reply to say "no" will suffice, however a few stages in, I think that the company should at least take it upon themselves to say that the role has been filled or they will not be continuing with you. It's upsetting and encourages an anxiety-filled process for the candidate also :(
  • @Maria Shtanova Super interesting, I'm also at that stage right now where I've completed a task and a whole brief for a company and I'm at around week 3 of radio silence. It'll be interesting to find out whether they'll suddenly remember me or not!
  • Oh yes! Once I did the first interview, liked the company, they liked me & sent me a task to do, I sent the task back and got silence in return. BUT! After a month or so, they wrote again asking me to do more work on the task. I wanted to do a theatric 30-days pause and answer smth nice and funny, but I forgot...
  • In the climate of today this happens frequently. The absence of face to face time makes it easy for people to just use someone for information and then move on to find a cheaper bid. On top of that the expectations of "clients" are ridiculous. I read a lot of posts saying we need two minutes of animation in two days with the caveat that it's okay to use AI and the provision that it be on par with Studio Ghibli. What we have today is a worldwide client base that is utterly ignorant of what it takes to get to become a professional and how long it takes to make something that works.
  • yes, of course. the really classy ones promise that even if they don't hire you, they'll keep you in mind, as a freelance curator, say; and then they never acknowledge. even better is when your ideas are used by the person they hired, without credit of course.
  • I'd say it's quite common if you're a freelance and interviewing for projects, but being ghosted by a company it's really disgraceful (it's never happened to me but I haven't interviewed with agencies in the last 4 years or so).

    Just keep the candidates in the loop, be transparent even if it means to be blunt and say "you're not good enough": people talk about you and being honest and thoughtful for a company is a big green flag.
  • Yes 🥹 Considering how much of our time it takes to prep, research etc, I find it SO rude. I'd take a generic email over nothing.
  • No horror stories, but yes of course I’ve been ghosted. I think everyone has.

    I think it’s important to move with grace no matter what, because you simply never know.. they may reach out again.
  • Unfortunately yes. For the past ten years that I have been in the UK and have given interviews not only on the creative industries but also other sectors as well.
  • 5 weeks ago I had 3 interviews with 3 different companies 2/3 ghosted. Recruitment is getting worse and worse every day. It's very difficult to get feedback. Companies should keep cadiates informed even if they pick someone else they should let you know. Because they want us to make a effort with the tasks, presentation and interviews they invite ius too. Doing and online test and interview and not hearing anything back even after you case is poor form.
  • It’s the normal culture out there, have to understand companies have their own paid work load to do clients come first. Understand applicants or interviewees are secondary. Some companies that will have HR or freelance recruiter to deal with the process.

    Consider the sheer number of applicants what’s 300+ per job now bigger acencies its 1000s, I’ll tell you now companies don’t go through everyone of them most of the time it’s an AI process that picks people based on keywords in your CV/folio or application.

    Kinda have to accept it’s a lottery out there, interviews are hard, I had poor experiences with 2 big agecnies who are part of the same company where they turned up late to web interview leaving me 5 mins to present. Then I had to chase up with HR about the role, I was giving a cliché template of rejection.
  • @Linsey M Hi, what's the name of your podcast please?
  • Unfortunately frequently, I stopped counting.
    I expect it now. This also has happened after tests have been submitted.
    It seems like an embarassingly high amount of other people have gone through something similar.

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