Hi all, working on a mental health awareness campaign for Transport for London and Hestia . Seeking a creative artist.

Artist will have the freedom to plan, design from scratch an art piece (digitally or freehand) to feature on exterior wall to promote postive mental health and spread awareness of support available for people living with mental health.

Please contact me if you're passionate about the mental health of our society and, believe you got what it takes to make a difference.

Full scope and timeline information to be discussed once you get in contact.

Thanks in advanve

PPDM London


  • hi, Illustrator here.

    I have experience working on mural designs from digital to physical with a community goverment funded campain with WOM collective and my universit for SPECS. would love to make a difference towards mental health.

    you can see if we are a good fit by viewing my instagram @sreavic
    or view my website https://srearepospolo.com

  • Hi @O Corlis How are you?

    Not sure if this has now been filled but would love to throw my hat into the ring.

    I am a freelance Illustrator specializing in large-scale mural work which is freehand, fun, playful, and claiming which could be a great fit for what you are looking for. Would love to hear more about the brief below please do not hesitate to get in contact if you think there is synergy there.




    all the best
  • Hi Ossie,

    I'd love to be involved in this!

    I create bold Scandinavian style illustrations inspired by my Nordic roots, Japanese aesthetics and folk art.

    I really enjoy using my skills for creating positive change in our world and I have worked with Plan International, Google, Facebook and Refinery29 among many others.


    If my work resonates with you, please do not hesitate to message me at leena@leenakisonen.com.

    Thanks a lot,
  • This sounds like an amazing opportunity, I’d love to be considered. Please find my work at victoriageary.co.uk please feel free to message me here or at victoriagearycontact@gmail.com if you have any questions. All the best, Victoria
  • Hey, happy to talk more and collaborate on this project. You can view some of my work here - nowornever.co

    If I can help drop me a note.

  • Hey Ossie, I would love to get involved in this.

    As an artist I strive to work on projects that have a positive impact focussing on social, environmental, or ethical causes. I've previously created illustrations and animations for E4's Reset & Rewind, a series that explores mental health challenges presented by various U.K. artists and is made in partnership with the Maudsley NHS hospital. Other clients of mine include the BBC, The Guardian, Nando's and more.

    You can find my full portfolio here:

  • Hello, I’m a freelance art director, digital illustrator and 2D animator. I’d love to connect with you. You can see my portfolio in full here : www.super-feat.com

    All the best,

  • Hi there!
    This sounds wonderful.
    I am a visual artist working with collage and mixed media.
    I would love to learn more about this opportunity.
    Please cheers my work and do not hesitate to contact me.


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