I'm writing some guidance for people who don't use social media very much on why they should and it's good for their career. Any thoughts?


  • That's a great idea!

    And actually really useful for freelancers, especially freelancers just starting out.

    I've actually had some people reach out via IG for projects, even though I hardly ever posted work on there. It's still a way to get discovered, and on occasion, people may do some research on you, check out your IG, etc. to try and get a better idea of who you are, your personality, etc, that wouldn't be possible in a short meeting or via video chat now.

    You don't need them all, but good to have one or two at least.

    Even if you don't get any projects/jobs through them, you can use them to network and connect to other people, and discover new things. If I didn't have twitter, I probably wouldn't have learn about or ever joined certain groups that have been invaluable for loads of people.
  • Social media is a must-have for networking! People do business with people, so it's important you are able to make those connections with others. This is especially true at the moment, whilst the world is in lockdown. It's crucial we can use the technology we have. The digital world is here to stay. :-)
  • If you are not keen to be on all of them, just pick one or two and study, Google stuff, and educate yourselves on it. Most of them you can have a passive approach and don't have to showcase yourselves if that's the main pain point for you. Even if you end up hating it, you will be able to justify why and show you aren't afraid of trying new things that are totally outside of your comfort zone. It obviously depends on the job you are applying for, but I'd be careful to build a social media presence for myself before interviewing as a lot of people consider not using social media in 2021 is the new illeteracy. Lastly, bear in mind a lot of senior people in org nowadays aren't fluent in social media and will be more impressed by someone who can bring these skills to the table than by someone who is as lost as they are! Consider this as an addition to your CV rather than some vain passtime.
  • Dear Francesca, do you mean people that aren’t generally inclined to use social or just the ones that are new to it? I am social media strategist and happy to share thoughts - send me a message if you like to discuss further. Thank you, Millie x
  • Are you talking to people who don't use it much or brands? For people who want to get work/further their career etc it's kinda personal and subjective. If you're talking about brands the key thing is it is the most measurable form of mediacoms. Unlike TV/print/radio where you put creative out in the world and guess how effective it is, with social engagement metrics you can see what messages resonate with your audience and with clever things like UTM trackers you can see how many page visits or completed orders your IG link in bio generates (for example)

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