If I could improve one thing on The Dots to further help your career, what would it be?

We’re always looking for ways to improve The Dots to make it even easier for you to promote yourself, connect, collaborate and carve out the career path of your dreams.

I'd absolutely love your feedback on ways we can improve things!

This could be improvements to our job section, ask forum, events hub, how you create your profile, promoting your work – or anything in between.

All feedback gratefully received :-)

Founder & CEO, The Dots


  • Super small, but I’d love to be able to save stuff!
    Usually I’m itching to save events or jobs but it could also be awesome to save other people’s work on an inspiration board or something, too!
  • it's really small, but when you're looking at people to connect with, projects and news etc and have left the main page to dig deeper — when you go back you are at the top again not where you left off. Changing that would encourage more exploration and ultimately more connectivity
  • I love The Dots but one thing that could be improved is the job listings, as I’m scrolling through them right now I see mostly London jobs and any listings outside of London are few and far between which I feel doesn’t really reflect the jobs that are available.

    The Dots is currently the perfect place for creatives to showcase their work and connect with others, and if it somehow improved on the actual employment/job/gig listings section I think it would become far more popular amongst young and ambitious creatives!
  • I’d love to see the Portfolio Masterclasses translated to a digital equivalent on here- as other people have mentioned before myself, a page to critique/review could be really beneficial to a wide range of people outside of the physical classes taking place.

    Perhaps for the sake of quality control and fair chance you have say Four industry creatives of whom will critique- you have a set date to submit your work and an explanation/problem/point you’re stuck with for each- The Designers shortlist pieces from the submissions and give feedback across a thread for all to see. These would coincide with the physical masterclasses (which as somebody who has attended two of, can say that they’re invaluable) but allow a more frequent chance for others to get involved, that perhaps didn’t get shortlisted to a physical class or simply couldn’t make it!

    I’d also like to see an ‘ask me anything’ style thread say once weekly for curated industry creatives of your choosing. Could be a really interesting way to get the community engaging with one another and for the creatives to share tricks and tips for people, would make for great blog reads also!

    As always, huge props to yourself and the team for the consistent listening and output!
  • It is great to be in London and it is great to be somewhere else in Great Britain. :)
    What about introducing 'The Dots' for more companies and recruiters based outside of London? It would help to pull in more talent from all over the country.
    Perhaps enabling a better post/search for quality remote work.
  • Some one below mentioned classes perhaps could pool the dots creative communities to teach different stuff

    like a dots photowalk in central, for people passionate about photography, exhibiting their contents back into the platform and showcasing the collaboration,

    classes where we establish dream briefs of people in the classes and then collectively tackle them building new content collectively while we learn the skills on the go

    It would allow people to network and connect through free skills trade and build stuff together and not just see each other as competition, just location on where to teach might be tough. But could nicely link to events where we build on each other’s ideas and also uplift one another. Then when people enter creative industry they have these experiences of working in groups, building on each other’s ideas or upskill-ing one another
  • A career development sector - in which people can find cources (short cources maybe) so as to develop their skills.

    I struggle to find flexible short courses - as I am a full time professional. I can find only short courses from universities and they're really expensive. I am sure that many people out there with experience in the industries provide classes as part time job. For instance, fashion design, textiles, CAD etc.
  • A shop, where we could show what we can make then allow industry to be inspired by the possibilities

    Set up a space where general public can commission creatives on the dots for work

    These arnt the smallest of ideas but would really be exciting if thinking beyond the box

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