What are the biggest problems for creatives in 2022?


  • Someone wrote COVID, and yeah, the fact that no one's paying attention to COVID means A LOT of people are going to get sick for a very long time and that's going to ripple throughout the economy - including hitting the freelance market.
  • @Fab Giovanetti amazing. I love that you bring these topics up. I often think about creators as absolute geniuses right, with their crazy imaginations but at the same time, they are normal peeps, and life happens to them too. In fact most of the creative people in my community are super sensitive. So indeed they need to practice setting up boundaries and taking good care of their energy fields.
  • I feel it's a combination of positioning, burning out, reclaiming balance and boundaries! Something I also talk a lot in my book is the idea of creating better ways to protect our energy and charge what we are worth in the process.
  • I think that Creatives will need to Simplify their life as much as possible because that will have an effect on their external reality. It will reflect back to them a more spacious environement. So what does simplification look like for someone with crazy imagination right! I think it boils down to FEELing. If we can get our imagination to pace and work at a speed that is the same as our hearts, out emotions, our feelings, then the Universe will reflect that just because of the governing law of Attraction.
  • In 2022, the biggest problems for creatives will be finding ways to stand out from the crowd and getting paid fairly for their work. With the rise of social media and the easy availability of creative content, it can be hard for creatives to get noticed. And even when they do get noticed, they may not be compensated fairly for their work.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the creative industry and as a result creatives. The closure or shut-down of galleries, small and big, exhibition and event spaces, theatres, cinemas etc.
    I think although the creative industry has obviously adapted, i.e. more events being hosted online, the biggest problem this year will be trying to get creatives and the public out there again, in particular upcoming and new creatives, who’ve perhaps missed out on a lot of opportunities to get their work out there and show people, as well as job opportunities
  • I think that the rise of platforms like Fiverr can be an issue, as the "gig economy" infiltrates the creative industry. It's highly competitive, and we have to avoid a race to the bottom. I'm not sure what the solution is, but it's something to be aware of!
  • Hey Mimi - we did a big series in January about what to look out for in 2022 - some problems (and opportunities!) in there...


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