What are your new year’s resolutions for 2020?
It’s a new decade! Would love to hear what you’re planning to commit to and your tips for making sure you achieve them :-)
- Say yes more to positive experiences and not put up with nonsense :)
- I'd love to write and illustrate a graphic novel
- Hi AnnieI'm working on developing a growth mind set and to untangle stories from the past that no longer serve me. Currently reading https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40745.Mindset which I highly recommend.
- To work less? :P
- Should it be a small paragraph or a huge list with the goals to focus on is ok too? ;)
- Hey Annie!I'm hoping to work on more of the right things! And somehow get less distracted by exciting things around the edges of my real focusses...I am trying to question how I work and what I work on to break some habits I've built up over 10 years that aren't really helping me do the job I need to do anymore.And you?!
- To have more fun and laugh as much as possible :)
- Learn Cinema 4D!
- Make & Ship.I stopped making NY resolutions 3 yrs ago but I have key themes and focuses for each year. This year's theme: to shift the dynamic between creation and consumption. I'd like to create as much as I consume.Focuses:1) become a maker by taking small, consistent action and sharing the results2) story telling (might catch me on stage at a special guest!)What're yours?
- Be better than I am now. Continuously learning.Maintain and grow the respect for quality work (design and illustrations), work with joy and meaning.
- Working more with The Dots :)
- To not let corporations take advantage of my creative talent and hard work and share the message that creatives should not work for free, or just travel expenses paid.
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