 -  (GMT)
Online - London, United Kingdom

Organised by General Assembly

Tired of the 9-5 and wanting to be your own boss? Passionate about starting your own thing, but don't know when or where to even begin?

Join us in the discussion on starting a business, mental health, struggles & pressures of the industry, career journeys, standing out in a crowd and so much more!

You will be joined by Antler and 3 startups who have experienced the up’s and down’s / starting their own business, using their uniqueness as their strengths to stand out and score success as well as the tools and techniques they used to keep a clear mindset.

Each speaker will be sharing their importance/ understanding of mental health, career struggles, and what it takes to start a tech startup.

Zoom Link: https://generalassembly.zoom.us/j/93709486142?pwd=M24vU0ZRcnc3SWVxeitNYUZadkZNQT09

Zoom Password: 815113

Any issues please reach out to london@ga.co
  • lifeatga
  • entrepreneurship
  • femaleempowerment
  • business
  • mentalhealth
  • struggles


Attendees — 86

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Dare & Take The Leap Into EntrepreneurshipLondon, United Kingdom