100+ Colour

  • Rhea D'Souza
Foundation Project: 100+ [colour]
This project required us to explore any one material to create a form that addressed dynamic formal issues. Aside from using only one material, there were other restrictions that made this particular project more challenging. Each piece had to have an area of less than 25 cm2 and had to have no less than four sides which made it quite difficult to demonstrate a dynamic quality in the form. There also had to be a variety of at least 10 different sizes and a minimum of 100 separate pieces. The pieces could only be placed perpendicular to each other. With regard to colour, it could only be applied to 20 pieces, on one side only. In addition, only two hues could be used.
The colour was an important aspect in making the form more dynamic. Therefore, it had to be applied very carefully in order to move one’s eye around the structure. Prior to this model, I had developed one without colour and with this model, I resolved structural issues evident in the previous one. Aside from developing the form, I added more features to it so it would be able to stand in more interesting positions and decreased the weight of certain components to ensure its stability. By using repetition and a variety of forms and planes of different sizes, I created visual depth that enhanced the dynamic nature of the form.