66 Days

  • kim h
The Problem

In the UK, 1 in 4 of the population suffer from depression, however many people do not recognise these symptoms. Science also suggests that long periods of low moods can lead to depression. Therefore, to prevent people in continuing their low and negative moods, the solution is to encourage the public to think positively.

The Solution

The idea is to use technology to encourage people who do not know they are experiencing low moods and low moods suffers to participate in a positive activity for 66 days. As it takes 66 days to develop and form a new habit, the mobile application would encourage them to form positive habits, by setting challenges that help to develop biological and physiological needs, self-love, relationships, security, gratitude, self confidence and self reflection.By changing negative thoughts and behaviours into a positive way of everyday life would encourage people to change their way of thinking, rather than focusing upon low and depressed moods.