Adidas D&AD 2019

  • Aimee Brockley
  • Emily Barker

The focus of this project was creating a system that would entice and retain female teens in a sport. The pink courts would be placed around London for an all inclusive sporting experience. QR codes would be scanned on entry of the courts as time spent would be converted to credits that could be spent in Adidas shops. Through our research we found that teens drop out of sports due to the pressure of becoming professional and no longer being for fun. Emily and I wanted to create a fun atmosphere for teens to leisurely play without the pressure of competition.

Adidas D&AD 2019 by Aimee Brockley
Adidas D&AD 2019 by Aimee Brockley
Adidas D&AD 2019 by Aimee Brockley
Adidas D&AD 2019 by Aimee Brockley

Aimee Brockley
Graphic Designer
Emily Barker
Graphic Designer