Adidas's return to respectability

  • Nova / Marianna Mukhametzyanova
I wrote an opinion piece for Pages Magazine on Adidas's rise back up to power and their five year plan business strategy.
"Adidas is recovering from a period of falling sale figures, a weak marketing strategy and a lapse in making technological advancements. As a long-time fan of the brand I feel that it is necessary to talk about their struggle back to distinction and the reasons for their lapse. Recapping adidas’ journey is just as important as reiterating the excellence of the products placed on store shelves. It is a story that needs to be told."
"Adidas lost momentum due to deteriorating quality of product, poor efforts in marketing and a complacent attitude towards the future. Rethinking their foundations was not something that appealed to the brand. "
"Their recent surge is due to new successes in the digital era, their identification of the importance of performance alongside high-fashion whilst also honouring their renowned past, and their ability to acknowledge the need for progress. Reinvention was a means of survival for the company. "