Adventure Uncovered — Creating a platform for purpose-led stories driving social and environmental change

Adventure Uncovered is a purpose-led business driven by a mission to inspire and motivate outdoor enthusiasts to take positive action towards the health of our planet and its people. Through storytelling and events, Adventure Uncovered influences social and environmental change through responsible adventure.

Building on the success of working with the Adventure Uncovered team on the marketing and promotion of their second national Film Festival, we were asked to develop a new website focussed on supporting both their immediate needs and long-term growth strategy.
After launching Adventure Uncovered with the premise of using film as the primary medium for responsible storytelling, it became clear that editorial content and physical events were to become equally powerful channels to communicate and experience power of responsible adventure.

Following a period of immersion within the business to gain a deeper understanding of the depth of content being created and themes covered, we developed an underlying database structure and information architecture to enable content curation and distinct user journeys.
Building upon the established visual identity, we muted the colour palette, enabling the richness and impact of the powerful photographic and film content to take centre stage, whilst also introducing Cabin as a new typeface alongside Neue Haas Grotesk to improve legibility across desktop and mobile versions. We also introduced an iconographic style for use across the site and communications for both Events and the annual Film Festival.

Supporting the longer-term strategy for Adventure Uncovered, we have continued to develop the site to add ‘Editions’, offering content from across the site curated, under specific themes. Additionally, we have integrated a partnership with Brake the Cycle to offer cycling events and excursions across the UK with further experiences and micro-festivals to come.