• Shannon McGowan

“Albatross” evolved from my families interest in the sport of golf. My aim was to merge golf wear and today’s sportswear trends with my passion for technology. In today’s world we are torn between the benefits that technology can bring whilst struggling with the amount of waste from consumers. Developments in 3D technology can really help reduce both manufacture times and the impacts on the environment. Due to Covid 19 and the issues faced, I decided to dedicate my time and energy to teaching myself Clo3D. My initial design development came fromrecycling and repurposing un-wanted golf bags to create my silhouettes and develop the detail and form of my collection. Through a conceptual, sustainable 3D product development process, I wanted to combine all these factors using 3D software system Clo3D. Also, in the future my 3D digital golf wear collection has the potential to be adopted by gaming enthusiasts to personalise their gaming avatars.Overall, I wanted to design and manufacture a fun, unforgettable collection. I hope to not only change the perceptions of golf wear but to show how technology has the potential to revolutionise the fashion industry. What if fashion no longer existed in it’s physical form? What if clothing only existed in a virtual reality? How would the fashion industry evolve? Would it evolve or dissolve? INSTAGRAM: @shanmcgfashion PORTFOLIO: https://shazmcg49.wixsite.com/shannonmcgowan

Project Tags


  • Graduate Fashion Foundation logo

    Graduate Fashion Foundation

    • Fashion and Textiles
