Alternate Reality

  • Amanda Sachovaite

Video game-inspired mixed-media project "Alternate Reality" or a visual depiction of our generation by Amanda Sach. The shoot concept is an exploration of the digital era and the internet generation, when everything goes through our screens, physical and digital blends and it becomes hard to distinguish what is real and what is not. This project takes inspiration from digital artists such as Jon Rafman, Lera Kotova (lkhybrids), and Alessandra Vuillermin (hardmetacore) who can be seen as the 'Salvador Dalí of Gen Z'. These artists create their own world using digital tools and the internet. The "Alternate Reality" editorial is a combination of real and digital life (2D and 3D) which creates this sort of hyperreality where the old and new worlds come together. For the technical production, I used both still-life photography as well as 3D scanning. Creative direction, styling, photography & post-production by Amanda Sach @doll3ffect Models: @r.osew @shelly_gul