Beyond Camden Market

  • Valentina D'Annunzio

A collection of 118 portraits of a community that has now dissolved, but we called family for a very long time.

Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
This is a very important project of mine, very personal, very emotional. I project where I put all my heart and soul into. I started working in Camden Market in the year 2016, it was an alternative place where people felt free to express themselves in all possible ways, it was a place where you could be yourself and dress as you like, it was a place where everything could happen. It was the place that made me wake up happy every morning to go to work. After the fire in 2018, everything changed and many of the old traders left the market. The old vibes were gone, many friends were gone... Commercialisation and mass tourism changed Camden Market, and its real soul is now disappearing. I created this book for anyone who wants to keep a memory of “our Camden”, back from a time that is not here anymore but will stay with me forever. This book is a collection of 118 portraits of a community that has now dissolved, but we called family for a very long time.
Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
Beyond Camden Market by Valentina D'Annunzio
This is a non-profit publication, if you want you can help me with a small donation here, or buy the book here.
Beyond Camden Market. First Edition, October 2020 ISBN 978-1-71665-950-8 All pictures were taken between the years 2016 and 2020. Every portrait in this book was taken with the consent of the subject represented . Where possible, the author was given the rights to use these pictures for this publication only. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form. It is illegal to use, copy or republish this book or any part of it without the written consent of the author. Copyright © 2020 Valentina D’Annunzio - all rights reserved
Valentina D'Annunzio
Documentary Filmmaker & Video Editor