Blue and White Rabbits Nursery Project

  • Clare Warner

A trio of prints for a nursery scheme, inspired by blue and white rabbit figurines. Designed to promote a calm and restful space, motifs were painted using ink to emulate Jingdezhen creamics.

Trio of prints including hand-painted rabbits, retouched and edited in Photoshop
Pattern design by Clare Warner | Mock-up supplied courtesy of alexandercho on Freepik
Elements at different stages of the process - background motifs, inked bunny and initial pencil sketch
Blue and White Rabbits: the design for major fabric items in the room such as the duvet cover and curtains.
Diamond print: A complement suitable for curtain linings, reverse of cot cover and cushions.
Yellow ticking stripe: a contrasting colour design to be used on other soft furnishings such as cushions, cot bumper, laundry bags and covered coathangers.
Art print: to accompany the fabric designs and complement the dusky blue walls of the nursery.