Building Moodnotes 2.0

  • Joyce Li
  • Margarida Aleixo
  • Jarod McBride
  • Chris Pritchard
Around this time last year, we launched the first version of Moodnotes in partnership with Thriveport. We’re proud to say that today a new and improved version is out for iOS.
Reading users’ feedback from around the world and seeing how our product made a positive impact on people’s lives has been incredible. So we felt a real weight of responsibility when we began looking at how to make this product better for these very same users. All of this echoed our mission for the first release:
Making useful and sustainable products that bring about positive change to people’s everyday lives.
The conceptual boundary between ‘health’ and ‘digital health’ is dissolving as we increasingly look for and welcome the insights that digital tools can provide. This opens up huge opportunities, but also implies serious new responsibilities for designers and healthcare professionals. 
The need for user-centred design in healthcare provision has never been greater. Digital design and product studios have been at the forefront of a user experience revolution in digital service design, but there is still huge opportunity in the health sector. The user insight and working practices of digital designers can be the missing piece of the puzzle as healthcare professionals, patients and new, disruptive companies aim to understand and build the future of health. 
There’s an ethical and efficacy component that the industry still needs to address. Touted as a multi-billion dollar opportunity – every design studio, start-up, and corporation working in m-health needs to be working harder to prove the long-term positive patient outcomes, and ultimately the savings for our stretched health services.
We believe convening true partnerships with experts is the only way to tackle the user experience issues in healthcare. Delivering person-centred care depends upon collaborative, multidisciplinary efforts across institutions, businesses and designers. That’s why we’re proud to be in partnership with Thriveport in co-creating Moodnotes. 

Blog was orginially posted on ustwo blog.