CANAL+ Motorsports

  • Graham Sturt

Our brand identity for Canal+ Motorsports has a multi-sensory creative approach that brings the thrill of the race track to viewers of the French broadcaster’s coverage of F1, F2 and F3, MotoGP, IndyCar, World Rally Championship and W Series. We won the pitch for this prestigious project by capturing the essence of motorsports. Motorsports are all about powerful machines, explosive races, shock victories and dramatic mistakes. But one crucial human element delivers irresistible visceral purity 
every time: sound. The assault on the senses as racers scream by, from brain-boggling noise to bone-shaking vibrations, is called the Doppler effect. And it’s a massive part of what makes live motorsports so exciting. Driven by the Doppler effect, our creative proposal resulted in a dynamic design system comprising of a suite of distinctive brand assets, including bespoke variable typeface, sonic branding, idents, broadcast graphics, studio set design and marketing assets.