Cycling 4 Soup - Batch 1

It is a platform to engage community, create real connections, inspire and conspire to make sport and hopefully soup, the binding agent that will raise awareness for important causes worldwide.

"Cycling 4 Soup started out only to be the call sign for a single project and a means of communicating the idea of what was initially destined to be a single journey and the build up to it.

The journey was intended to raise awareness for two charities doing extremely important and effective work in their respective fields.

The Tribe Freedom Foundation and The MS Society UK

Fuelled by the desire for soup and to raise awareness for two very important charities, the film sees us follow Alvaro on a solo bikepacking adventure from London to Cadiz in the south of Spain.

2500km of road cycling, climbing a total of 63,000ft over mountains, through storms and across plateaus which cut through some of the most beautiful scenery in Western Europe.

Once live -we want to engage community - create real connections - inspire and conspire to help make sport and hopefully soup the binding agent which will raise awareness for important causes worldwide."

Directed by Michael Drummond and Craig Bilham

Produced by Michael Drummond

Edited by Craig Bilham

A massive thanks to the extended team involved who helped out to polish the videos rougher edges Rory, Holly, and Alex