Defining, & designing for, B2B & B2C audiences

  • James Walters

UX lead, & facilitator for a series of workshops with stakeholders which identified audiences, personas, journeys & outcomes. The insights informed new journeys, content strategy, IA, & strategy, tailored to the needs of the diverse audience.

This mature startup had grown fast, meaning that the website did not cater to the needs of a diverse B2B & B2C audience.

Who are the audience? What do they need from the site? And, how can it be provided?
Starting with identifying the audience, a series of workshops with stakeholders sequentially built a picture:,

  • Personas & empathy maps
  • Journeys & outcomes
  • Content gaps

Workshops were written up each afternoon. Played back the next day, their insights fed into the next workshop. The insights gained informed development of a strategy for the new site:

  • Content gaps to fill & content strategy
  • Strategy - goals, outcomes
  • Journeys for each persona
  • UX & IA to support strategy
Building on discovery work, the definition recommendations provided a structure for the site that was, based on evidence, and matched both strategic business needs and these of the audience.