Design toolkit for NHS hospitals

A patient flow that delivers the best care by the right professional in the right place and time remains a major challenge within the growing complexity of today’s health service. A flawed system impacts patient safety and quality of care. Collaborating with other students, we were given a task to investigate patient flow in an NHS hospital. We were working with NHS staff to find and analyse pain points that produced an overwhelming amount of insights.
After few field trips and presentations to the client, we became enlightened of how multi-layered this design challenge was. Dealing with this copious system and the dynamic nature of the involved processes, we approached the project from a perspective of advocating design thinking within the service.
Therefore, we designed a design toolkit based on our findings. The NHS staff can use the toolkit according to their own findings and insights gathered through working within the hospital system. To encourage empathy and improve communication among the staff members as well as their patients we proposed three tools. A role-play booklet, a ’communication triangle’ and a deck of insight cards to visualise problematic areas in a user-friendly way.
My key responsibility for this part of the project was to co-create layout for insight cards. The cards promote a user-centered approach by setting problems met by the staff and their patients in the centre of attention.
I have also demonstrated my drawing skills (pictures above) to draw friendly and engaging illustrations to communicate collected research. My illustration style received plenty of compliments for visualising complex and sensitive issues in an approachable way.