
  • Nas Abraham
  • Gergana G Popova

This moving image piece (featuring Anders Hayward) seeks to visually interpret and express the pain of separation through movement. Taking inspiration from Li Edelkoorts' thoughts on subconsciously guarding oneself from external pressures and threats by wearing thicker layers, our character was purposely styled to reflect isolation. Adorning exaggerated silhouettes and layered clothing pieces (styled and conceptualised by @noemieschelbert), our character physically ‘wears’ his detachment by the fabrics that envelope him. A growing feeling of turmoil ensues as he looks for the root of his pain, but the pain is internal. This was shot before the current pandemic was even in the picture and I believe it's more relevant now than ever. Huge shout out to the team on this piece: Director and Editor: @nas_abraham Choreography and dancer: @anders_hayward (@unsignedgrp ) Styling and concept: @noemieschelbert DOP: @ggppva Male grooming: @chiha0313 Production: @whereismin Soundtrack: @ukukalmus