E-commerce CX - research, discovery, definition & UX

  • James Walters

UX lead researching the on & off-line purchase experience for a skincare & beauty brand. Responsible for hands-on research & for analysing, and cataloguing, findings. Outputs included journeys maps & strategic insights. UX lead on subsequent redesign of e-commerce site.

The research programme for this well-know high street brand covered the end-to-end purchase experience, from research to after-sales. User tests, surveys and interviews - including store staff, existing & potential customers - and mystery shops, built a well-rounded picture.

How can the granular detail be extracted, analysed, and provide useful insights?
Findings were both collated into themes and quantified to build a weighted picture.

The output included: purchase experience maps, heat maps over pages, and themes. Together they brought a wide range of insights from the brand level down to individual pain points on pages.

Backed up by desk research, they provided clear indications of the significance of pain points and opportunities.
With the findings quantified, the significance of many of the insight was clear and actionable, having a positive impact on the new UX.

  • New taxonomy brought more relevant filtering options to listing pages
  • Insights into the priority of product information brought a new content format, and hierarchy, to product detail pages
  • Understanding what constitutes trustworthy, authentic, information, led to changes in reviews & content from social media