Edinburgh Fringe 2019

  • Natasha Raymond
  • Christina Care

I attended the Edinburgh Fringe as part of the content team, during which I organised interviews with creatives involved in shows, interviewed them, and wrote up the interviews as engaging articles for Spotlight.com. Organisation - I was only at the Edinburgh Fringe for four days, and during that time I had to schedule seeing the show the creative was in as well as interview them after. This meant I had to be extremely organised and plan each day carefully to ensure I was able to see everything I needed to before the interview took place. Flexibility - In order to fit everyone into my schedule, I conducted phone interviews as well as face-to-face interviews. There was also an occasion where one of the creators I was interviewing won the Fringe First Award a few hours before our interview. I adapted the questions I had prepared so that we could talk about this topic as well. Transcribing - I had to transcribe each interview to a tighter deadline than usual, as we needed to upload the finished article to the site while the shows and the Edinburgh Fringe were still going on.

Edinburgh Fringe 2019 by Natasha Raymond
Natasha Raymond
Publishing Executive & Content Writer
Christina Care
Digital Strategist, Writer and Editor