Visual identity project for Espace Fondation EDF
Espace Fondation EDF is part of a proud heritage and act as a educational institution for the young generation,
focusing on the intergration between arts and technology within communites.
The logo and identity is inspired by binary numbers that forms the basis of all computer techonologies, as well as corresponding with the historical significance which the building which Fondation EDF is situated.
The roundness of the logo reflects the modern intergretion between a historical site and a futruistic techonoloical exhibition space.
Having obtained some source code from an open-sourced platform I utilised Processing to create a set of patterns and further altered it on Illustrator.
I wanted to use this coding-made visuals to create a futuristic feeling and overall visual image for the espace. The espace represents changes and challenges that digital art brings along and I wanted to use the concept of irregular shapes to to reflect the idea.