Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis | Typography

  • Joshua Neale

Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. Scroll ↓

The brief was to create an inspired piece of Graphic design reflecting a well-known literary work, my selection for this project was Frans Kafka’s Metamorphosis.

The Objective:
To Identify the key themes and feel of the piece of work, and to then clearly communicate those themes in an expressively graphic form.

The Opportunity:
After reading the dystopian novel and identifying the dark Gothic twisted style of the author and the subject, a form of writing coined as ‘Kafkaesque’.
Love Letters Studio utilised this stylistic approach to frame the feeling that I wanted to evoke in my final work. Beginning with its first sentence, The Metamorphosis deals with an absurd, or wildly irrational, event, which in itself suggests that the story operates in a random, chaotic universe. This chaotic universe shares familiar traits to our own and may in-fact just be our world through the lens of a dark kaleidoscope.

The Outcome:
Love Letters Studio final piece is a fictional newspaper addressing the social commentary on the surreal existence of the everyday nuclear family 9 - 5 and its very unnatural way of life. I Conducted multiple interviews and followed other people’s daily commutes/routines applying the dark creative lens of Kafka to showcase those experiences.